lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Ristorante Isola dei Gabbiani

inside the Camping Village Isola dei Gabbiani

Ristorante Isola dei Gabbiani
A holiday in Sardinia gives feelings that become indelible memories.
If nature gives the sound of wind, the color of the sea, the taste of salt and scent of broom, the chef Manuele Pisanu will help you regain your senses at the table making you to know his version of the typical dishes of the Sardinian tradition.
Enjoy your meal!
  • indirizzo: Loc Porto Pollo
  • località: Palau
  • tel +39.0789.704019 +39 0789.704024
  • fax: +39.0789.0998053
  • email:
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