martedì 4 marzo 2025

Torre del Porticciolo beach

in the bay of Cala Viola

Torre del Porticciolo beach
It is laid out in the wild and picturesque pretty cove of Cala Viola, bathed by a transparent sea from the clear and colorful hues ranging from blue to emerald green.
The beach is moved by rocks molded by wind and water navy, drawing an angle capable of Sorting strong emotions and pleasant feelings.
Theater preferred by fans of photographs and video footage , the Marina Torre del Porticciolo Beach is dominated by the hill on which stands a Saracen tower , from where you have a splendid view that , from dawn until sunset , enjoy beautiful images .
To reach the beach at Torre del Porticciolo, from Sassari or Alghero, you take direction Porto Ferro and then follow the signs that will easily lead to the parking lot .
Alternatively from Alghero to Porto Conte , turn right for Capo Caccia and after about 4 km turn right towards Santa Maria La Palma; just over a km before even turn left and follow the signs .
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