martedì 4 marzo 2025

The Sartiglia of Oristano

for 2014 it takes place on 2 and 4 March

The Sartiglia of Oristano
It is an equestrian game of ancient origins, dating back to the Crusades, between 1118 and 1200. It therefore seems certain the Saracen origins of the carousel that is then a horse race ring, suspended on the path to the height of a man horse.
The knight of the Sartiglia must pierce a metal star with a sword on the back of a horse running along the roads these days divenatno theater of an event among the most attended of the whole island.
The spectacular nature of the event and its ancient history recall every edition Migliai and thousand of people, including tourists and islanders who come from all provinces do not miss this fascinating competition.

For this 2014 Cadoni Francis, president of Gremio of St. Joseph, was appointed to the role of the Sartiglia Componidori for 2014 that will be held Tuesday, March 4, Emanuela Colombino and its official inauguration will take place, according to tradition, during the Candlemas, with delivery of blessed candles.
Despite his young age (39 years old), Emanuela Colombino has extensive experience in Sartiglia, with 15 editions and 4 star centered.
The other major players are the Sartiglia 2014 Antonello Fenu on Segundu, and Valentina Uda, already Componidori Sartiglia in 2013, which will then Terzu.
Stretches so the list of women called to play the role of Componidori, with Emanuela Colombino representing the fourth, after Annadina Cozzoli in 1973, Elizabeth Sechi in 2010 and, as mentioned, Valentina Uda in 2013.
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