lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Bitas 2013: a successful attendance

ended yesterday evening with a concert in the central square of Bosa

Bitas 2013: a successful attendance

With a concert attended held in Piazza IV Novembre, in the center of Bosa, ended last night the successful edition of Bitas Outdoor Festival 2013, an event linked to the fourth edition of the International Tourism Exchange active in Sardinia, that the city of Temo hosted these days. Yesterday a hot sun, despite the initial low temperatures in the morning, heated Bosa and Planargia.
Locals and guests have immediate advantage, storming the stands of the feast of Campagna Amica, organized by Coldiretti, which will continue today starting at nine. While at Turas fearless kayakers plying the waves of the sea still rough performing in spectacular evolutions. Among the special, appreciated, the Bitas 2013 setting up "traveling" stand in some places certainly the most significant town planargese.
The inaugural conference debate and participatory information seminars were in fact carried out in the renewed framework of the Civic Theatre, only about twenty years ago and used as a market in a complex of streets and squares in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century have extended the urban area at the foot of the hill of Serravalle and near Sa and Costa del Corso. Buyers and sellers have instead met in the historic setting of the complex of the former Capuchin monastery, dating back to 1600.
A structure that overlooks a large yard where you can enjoy the view of Sa Costa and the Castle. On the front of the Festival of outdoor no shortage around here then the possibilities, given the over thirty miles of coastline.
So, given the reappearance of the sun and a mild climate all in all after days of rain and wind, lovers of hiking, bird watching, biking, kite surfing, kayaking, horseback riding, scuba diving, sailing and boating could enjoy an essay of possibilities that the city and the territory can offer in terms of active tourism and sports, the outdoors as in the beautiful backdrops.
Also of note was the long distance race of road cycling, which will start this morning from 10, again from Monument Square.
The city, which at the end of Bitas will obviously ask themselves the future of tourism qualified low as in high season, prepares meanwhile - good part of the facilities are already in place - the important event of Easter.
That in many, thanks to the tam tam media Bitas and despite the general crisis in the sector, they hope will mark a first positive and wise in view of the summer tourist.
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