lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Baccu and Praidas beach

wild and picturesque

Baccu and Praidas beach
Suggestive and wild coastline of Baccu Praidas and is characterized by its cliffs of red porphyry, that color this stretch of the coast of Ogliastra .
Its beaches are lapped by transparent and clear waters, on which reflect the rocks, offering enchanting and exciting visions .
Deep you can see the colorful backdrops populated by numerous fish, while the surrounding environment enhances the beautiful, unspoilt nature in all its greatest expression .
The coastline of Baccu Praidas and is reached from the SS 125, near Cardedu, taking direction Buoncammino and turning right after about 3 km; still approximately 6 km, following the signs for the sea, esi reaches its destination, near the Gairo Bay.
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