luned́ 3 marzo 2025

province of Cagliari routes beaches

The Cagliari counts 400 km of coastline that are the destination of millions of tourists from all over the world and, at the center, one of the most beautiful Italian cities: Cagliari.
On the one hand, to the north east, along the scenic road to Villasimius and Capo Carbonara to be fascinated by the beauty of a unique area, where the colors are those of a deep blue sea and the green of the lush vegetation, which approaches that small corner of paradise that is the Costa Rei, and then climb up to the province of Cagliari Villaputzu where ends and begins the Ogliastra.
On the other side, to the west, the road leads towards Teulada, through Pula and Domus de Maria, with some of the pearls of Sardinia, as Nora and Chia.
Cagliari is the earth to live day by day, guided along the roads leading from the sea to a hinterland of equal beauty, in freedom, for a holiday in plei air!

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  • Mari Pintau beach
    shoreline of pebbles and fine sand near the shore
    the color of this stretch of coast is changed to vary the light of day , a feature that also resulted in his name Mari Pintau , ie painted sea ...
  • Tuerredda beach
    in the territory of Teulada
    splendid inlet between Capo Malfatano and Cape Spartivento , is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in Sardinia for its clear and fine sand and for the transparent color of the sea ...
  • Poetto beach of Quartu Sant'Elena
    the most famous beach of southern Sardinia
    one of the most extensive beaches and extensive of Sardinia , with fine sand washed by clear blue sea , popular meeting point for tourists and residents ...
  • Beach Is Arenas
    It stretches from Putzu Idu in Torre del Pozzo
    a long, thin stretch of fine sand that combines Putzu Idu in Torre del Pozzo draws the coast of Is Arenas , behind the broad and deep pine forest ...
  • Chia beach
    among the most beautiful beaches of Sardinia
    On the SS 195, turn left to Chia, arrived at the village, turn left again and walk 700 m to the parking lot adjacent to the beach of Chia, among the most beautiful of Sardinia ...
  • Beach of Santa Margherita di Pula
    clear sand and large washed by a crystalline sea
    Starting from Pula in the direction of Teulada, on the SS 195 at km 33.8, turn left to access the first entry; Follow the SS meet other inputs up to 47.8 km.
  • Nora beach
    adjacent to the archaeological site of Nora
    Arrived in Pula from Cagliari by the SS 195, take Via Nora that in 3 km leads to the archaeological site in front of the beach ...
  • Portu Tramatzu beach
    It stretches adjacent to the Camping Portu Tramatzu
    Is reached starting from Teulada to Sant'Anna Arresi on the SS 195 , 3 km turn left after 2.5 km turn right to Camping Portu Tramatzu and take the dirt road that leads to the 600 m Portu Tramatzu beach. ..
  • Cala Piscinnì beach
    in the town of Teulada
    overlooking a clear blue sea , surrounded by rich vegetation and lies behind the pond Piscinń make this coast a truly extraordinary place ...
  • Cala Cipolla beach
    in the municipality of Domus de Maria
    Starting from the village of Chia go towards Porto Teulada and after a few km , close to the tourist village Baia Chia , turn left on Giudeu and follow the road that ends at the parking lot ...
  • Su Giudeu beach
    near the village Baia Chia
    Starting from the village of Chia along the coast road towards Porto Teulada and after a few km , close to the tourist village Baia Chia , turn left and follow this road Giudeu ...
  • Colonia beach
    near Chia
    On the SS 195 , turn left to Chia , came to the village go straight to Cala Cipolla and after a few hundred meters turn left onto a dirt road ; another 500 m paths you reach the parking lot ...
  • Bithia beach ( Su Portu )
    near the ancient village
    On the SS 195 , turn left to Chia , came to the village go straight to Cala Cipolla and after a few hundred meters turn left onto a dirt road ; another 500 m paths to the parking ...
  • Simius Beach
    in the town of Villasimius
    easily accessible by a leisurely walk, Simius beach is located one km from the center of the village of Villasimius ...
  • Cala Pira beach
    small chest in the coast of Villasimius
    From Villasimius to Costa Rei, along the beautiful coast road , turn right after about 13 km, then another 800 m of gravel road ...
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