lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Ogliastra itineraries beaches

A small province Ogliastra, which lies between two territories strongly characterized by the typical features of the land of Sardinia, Nuoro the north and the south of Cagliari.
And of these lands Ogliastra is the perfect synthesis. The harshness and the absolute authenticity that is found in the area is typical of Nuoro, which has preserved the land of Ogliastra from large tourist resorts, preferring the maintenance of its nature, in some respects wild and untouched. The ability to offer the visitor, tourist or traveler, with the efficiency of the structures, with attention to detail, with the attention to detail is instead assets acquired by the culture of the earth Cagliari, so to be able to offer a holiday to 'teaches the nature and relax in an environment of comfort and professional welcome.

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  • Museddu beach
    also known as Sa Perda ' e Pera
    favorite destination for lovers of windsurfing and kitesurfing , but also for fans of walking and riding , thanks to the eucalyptus forest which lies along the entire beach ...
  • Foddini beach
    popular with windsurfers and kitesurfers
    halfway between the territories of Cardedu and Barisardo is sandy shore white sand medium grain that slopes gently into a clear blue sea ...
  • Pranargia beach
    long beach sand mixed with pebbles
    bathed by clear water from blue green color, with a large pine forest that runs along the beach , it is very popular with fishing enthusiasts and snorkeling ...
  • Foxi beach
    beach of fine white sand that slopes gently
    it takes its name from the mouth ( foxi ) of the stream Bau Samu here ends its run and enters the sea characterize this stretch of marshy coast and rich vegetation ...
  • Beach Sa Marina
    a promontory that separates it from the beach at Torre di Bari
    is an expanse of white sand mixed with smooth pebbles , lapped by azure blue sea that is characterized by its natural appearance , for some stretches wild ...
  • Punta Niedda beach
    in the territory of Barisardo
    basaltic volcanic rocks give rise to the rocks of Punta Niedda wet from a rich flora and fauna of the sea , recalling many snorkelers and divers ...
  • S'Isula Manna Beach
    north of Lotzorai
    the green of the pine forest that stretches along the beach makes it especially enjoyable and relaxing break , as well as offering environmental fascinating scenic features ...
  • Pollu beach
    It is the continuation of Tancau beach
    perfect for those looking to relax , have a crystalline sea and trasperante , with a seabed rich in fish that are also very beautiful diving ...
  • Iscrixedda beach
    in at the eponymous Camping Village Iscrixedda
    It is the natural continuation of the long golden beach of Lido delle Rose ending near the lagoon also called Iscrixedda , which is the name of the zone ...
  • Beach Lido delle Rose
    also known as the beach Is Orrosas
    Beating heart of Lotzorai seaside life thanks to the presence of several Bar and two Campsites:( Il Cavallo Bianco and The Iscrixedda)
  • Foxi Murdegu beach
    also called Melisenda beach
    Foxi Murdegu is a wide expanse totally natural and unspoilt , made ??up of a fine sand mixed with pebbles ...
  • Foxi Manna beach
    white sand surrounded by lush vegetation
    The Foxi Manna beach stretches for about a kilometer along the coast of Tertenia, a tourist resort on the east coast of Sardinia, off the beaten track, surrounded by the Mediterranean greenery, and spared from the chaos and mass tourism traffic. ...
  • Coccorocci beach
    an oasis of true peace
    at the center of a spectacular natural environment on the one hand a clear and pure sea , the other the majesty of the mountains that surround it ...
  • Su Sirboni beach
    paradise for divers and snorkelers
    clear, turquoise waters , is a cove of white sand nestling between red rocks and thick vegetation , out of the more usual routes ...
  • Baccu and Praidas beach
    wild and picturesque
    transparent and crystal clear waters , which allow a glimpse into the colorful deep seabed populated by numerous fish ...
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