lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Foxi Murdegu beach

also called Melisenda beach

Foxi Murdegu beach
The Foxi Murdegu beach is the sister ship of Foxi Manna beach just 5 km away and are united by carattersitiche almost identical.
Foxi Murdegu is also a wild and unspoilt beach, as is the whole territory that surrounds it, clear of tourist facilities and urban settlements, for an absolutely natural environment and intact.
This applies to the entire coastal stretch of Tertenia, where tourism makes use mainly of the beauties of the territory, where the facilities have been designed for an environmental impact zero.
Hence Foxi Murdegu is a haven of peace that fully satisfies those who want the holiday the tranquility necessary to regenerate body and soul, in a total immersion of peace and serenity.
Large areas that border on the one hand the nature of the richest Mediterranean, the other a sea horizon that darkens the colors of a pure and endless sea. In the middle of this strip of fine sand mixed with pebbles, exposed to the winds to become an ideal destination for lovers of sailing sports.
To reach Foxi Murdegu start from Tertenia and follow the road that leads to the Marina waterfront; after about ten kilometers, turn right and you follow signs.

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