martedì 4 marzo 2025

Poetto Beach

a cult of Cagliari

Poetto Beach
Poetto beach is a cult of Cagliari, a real institution. Not only is the immense and beautiful beach that is, but the Poetto is a meeting place and evasion at the same time, because of its size and its shape allows to represent the ideal meeting place for friends and companies, but also a place where to find their own space, their own corner.
Here we dwell us to scan the horizon that leaves this side of the charm of the open sea, which bathes the long shore and the rock that stands out from the water to draw the outline where the devil has left its mark in an ancient local legend.
Here they operate urban services and parking, in addition to the port of Marina Piccola.
The Poetto is a coastline that stretches for 9km between Cagliari and Quartu St. Helena; a beautiful walk on foot, from the Calamosca, through a nature trail that covers about one hour, leads to the Devil's Saddle from where you have a panorama of the whole city, while the sandy expanse stretches there below. The environment is made even more extraordinary by the presence of the pond and Molentargius Saline, where stationed hundreds of pink flamingos that nest undisturbed since 1993 in a protected oasis, and which color the sky with their flights.
It can be reached from Cagliari Viale Diaz until the entrance of Viale Poetto, and from Quartu you take the coast road to the capital.
Traditional "huts" have replaced new bathing facilities, kiosks, bars, restaurants, supermarkets, sports and other attractions.
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