lunedì 3 marzo 2025


ancient settlement in the town of Pula

Extraordinarily important is Nora, an ancient city dating, it seems, to the eleventh-VIII century BC, which is located in the territory of Pula, that is only a few kilometers.
Of that settlement are still visible numerous witnesses, including the spa, some sacred buildings, the theater and the stele of Nora, with an inscription in which it is reported for the first time the name Sardinia.

Near the excavation is the church of Sant' Efisio, which is, according to tradition, where the saint, patron of Cagliari, suffered martyrdom.
Nora stood on the very tip of Cape Pula, a small peninsula, home to three ports, known among collectors of minerals, as rich in zeolites, calcite and quartz.

Here stand the Coltellazzo tower, 12 meters high, and the Tower of St. Maccario, of the sixteenth century.
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