martedì 4 marzo 2025

The South Coast

route on the most southern spur of Sardinia

The South Coast
From Cagliari to the extreme offshoot south of Sardinia is a succession of beautiful beaches and coves, characterized by a transparent sea gently sloping.
The stages are Pula with the enchanting Santa Margherita and the remains of Nora, to reach, through Capoterra, Domus de Maria, with the beach of Chia, one of the most amazing island.
The tour ends in Teulada that houses the ancient Bithia and where stretches Is Arenas Biancas, another of the most beautiful stretches of coast of Sardinia, characterized by large white sand dunes rising up to 20 meters.
The South Coast is a succession of emotions, with small coves where the transparency of the white beaches and crystal clear water moves, how to Giudeu, Cala Cipolla, Tuaredda, Porto Pino.
Emotions also for the story about the ancient Phoenician-Punic city of Nora, the archaeological site (with guided tours) not to be missed.
All this part of the coast, as well as its hinterland which includes WWF Capoterra, has maintained its beauty "natural", with large protected areas and tourism that is characterized by love and respect for nature.
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