lunedì 3 marzo 2025


  • Promotions Offers 2016 holiday in Pula Cala d'Ostia
    Overlooking the sea, the Cala d'Ostia and nestled in a lush green area of over 75,000 square meters of pine and eucalyptus trees, an oasis of silence, peace and perfect tranquility for a holiday of relaxation...
  • clear sand and large washed by a crystalline sea
    Starting from Pula in the direction of Teulada, on the SS 195 at km 33.8, turn left to access the first entry; Follow the SS meet other inputs up to 47.8 km.
  • adjacent to the archaeological site of Nora
    Arrived in Pula from Cagliari by the SS 195, take Via Nora that in 3 km leads to the archaeological site in front of the beach ...
  • ancient settlement in the town of Pula
    Ancient settlement that still holds numerous testimonies, including the spa, some sacred buildings, the theater and the stele of Nora ...
  • with the beautiful town of Santa Margherita
    History and traditions are reflected in the blue-green sea, to enchant the visitor and accompany him back in time ...
  • on a long stretch of white sandy beaches
    nestled in a lush green area of over 75,000 square meters of pine and eucalyptus trees, an oasis of silence, peace and quiet perfect for a holiday of relaxation in contact with nature ...
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