lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Camping and resorts in cagliaritano

vacanze in Sardegna

  • Villaggio Camping Capo Ferrato ***
    comfortable bungalows and quality restaurant
    The whole length of the Camping Capo Ferrato Village overlooks a wonderful strip of Costa Rei made up of fine white sand and clear blue sea, which gently slopes meaning...
  • Villaggio Camping Torre Chia ***
    along one of the most beautiful bays of the South Coast
    equipped with all modern comforts, Camping Village Torre Chia is synonymous with unforgettable holidays outdoors, including beautiful beaches and rocky outcrops prosthesis sea blue ...
  • Camping Village Portu Tramatzu **
    a holiday-style camping
    on the South Coast, in Cagliari, halfway between the ancient of Sardinia, with Nora, and the most beautiful beaches on the island, as Tuaredda, Cape Malfatano, Piscinnì ...
  • Camping Village Cala d'Ostia **
    on a long stretch of white sandy beaches
    nestled in a lush green area of over 75,000 square meters of pine and eucalyptus trees, an oasis of silence, peace and quiet perfect for a holiday of relaxation in contact with nature ...
  • Camping Village Torre Salinas ***
    in the heart of Costa Rei
    offers different solutions for those who enjoy the holiday in direct contact with the scents, sounds and sensations of nature, to enjoy the tranquility of unspoiled ...
  • Camping Village Porto Corallo ***
    facing the small beautiful bay of Porto Corallo
    is located in a very quiet resort, next to a small bay where cliffs alternate with isolated beaches and long, sandy expanses ...
  • Camping Village Spiaggia del Riso ***
    a corner of paradise by the sea
    beaches for all tastes! Tropical, with fine white sand, or rock, full of spectacular backdrops and intimate bays ... the right answer for every need is here at the Village Camping Spiaggia del Riso ...
  • Camping Village 4 Mori ****
    between green hills and long beaches
    The 4 Mori is an exclusive touristic complex located between the green hills and the great sandy beaches of the South East of Sardinia, 5 km from Muravera ...
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