lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Camping and resorts in Ogliastra

  • Camping Village Cigno Bianco
    incantevol beach and clear blue sea
    a lovely beach, clear blue sea, unspoiled nature, this and much more offers the Camping Village Cigno Bianco, on the beach, in the countryside ideal for families...
  • Villaggio Camping Sos Flores ***
    in the heart of Ogliastra
    directly overlooking the sea, in the shade of pines and eucalyptus trees, in perfect harmony with the environment, in an area of Sardinia among the most pristine...
  • Villaggio Camping Telis ****
    one of the most beautiful bays in Ogliastra
    Relaxing on a small hill that slopes gently down to the beautiful bay of Portu Frailis, on a completely green terraced ...
  • Villaggio Camping Cavallo Bianco ***
    a thousand colors of the sea and vegetation
    holiday in the outdoors, in unspoilt wilderness for some stretches, has maintained the original features of the typical campsite ...
  • Villaggio Camping Coccorrocci *** - now closed
    on a long stretch of beach about 4 km.
    Camping Village Coccorrocci has Bungalows, Mobile Homes, RVs and pitches in a very natural, where Sardinia is expressed in all its wild beauty
  • Villaggio Camping Iscrixedda ***
    the shade of a pine forest on the sea
    about a mile is the small village of Lotzorai, in ideal and strategic position to reach the famous, unspoiled beaches of Cala Luna, Cala Sisine and Goloritzè ...
  • Villaggio Camping Orrì ***
    directly on the beach of Ogliastra
    borders directly on a wide sandy beach, located in a number of areas perfectly groomed to meet the needs of all, immersed in the green of a nature that smells of Sardinia ...
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