lunedì 3 marzo 2025
  • » Costa Rei itinerari

Costa Rei itinerari nel cagliaritano

  • Cala Sa Figu beach
    behind the state-owned forest of Capo Ferrato
    From San Priamo we leave the SS 125 follow signs to Costa Rei, after about 10 km turn left to Capo Ferrato and continue until you find on the left a dirt road ...
  • Colostrai beach
    in a charming environment
    From Muravera towards San Priamo, along the SS 125 until you reach the Camping Torre Salinas, cross it and continue towards the village Colostrai, then you notice the car park adjacent to the beach ...
  • Sant'Elmo Beach
    near the village of Saint Elmo
    From Villasimius north towards San Priamo , we walk 9.5 km or so before turning right towards Cala Sinzias , after yet km turn left and continue for 3 km towards Cost
  • beach of San Giovanni and Torre Salinas
    near the Camping Village Torre Salinas
    a very large beach accessible from Muravera to San Priam, along the SS 125, drive 4 km and turn left to San Giovanni, then continue for 1 km. direction Camping Torre Salinas ...
  • Porto Corallo Beach
    near the Camping Porto Corallo
    near the Camping Porto Corallo and the marina of Porto Corallo, Villaputzu is reached by following the directions for Tertenia and SS 125, after about one km turn right for Porto Corallo ...
  • in the municipality of Villaputzu
    On the beach Tramatzu
    Starting from Villaputzu Tertenia and follow the signs for SS 125, after about one km turn right to Porto Corallo, and then left ...
  • Murtas beach
    in the municipality of Villaputzu
    Starting from the center of Quirra follow the signs to the sea; The beach is only a little over a km ...
  • Feast of the Citrus fruit of Muravera
    It held each year in early spring
    The festival, associated with the tasting and sale of products, is characterized by a beautiful parade with costumes...
  • The small town of Costa Rei
    a pretty village born tailored for tourism
    Pretty hectic and is an epitome of proposals, because here the sea is synonymous with shopping, with nature, with history, with traditions ...
  • The beaches of Castiadas
    spoiled for choice!
    from Santa Giusta, with the characteristic rock in the shape of a whale, known as Scoglio di Peppino, Cala Pira which is the background the Isle of Serpentara ...
  • The province of Cagliari
    400 km. of coastline and rich hinterland
    covers much of the south east of Sardinia, affecting a large coastline, which stretches for nearly 400 km., from Villaputzu in Teulada, and a part that penetrates far inland where they remain clear signs of a story ...
  • The Natural Park of the Seven Brothers, kingdom of Sardinian deer
    for lovers of trekking and mountain biking
    Among the largest of the island, the park is spread inland of the province of Cagliari, affecting the towns of Castiadas, Villasimius and Muravera, going down to lap the coastline ...
  • Villasimius
    the door of Costa Rei
    Located on the South-Eastern Europe, where the deep green of the maquis goes up to blend the colors on the rocks tormented by the wind, mirrored in the waters of the sea of Capo Carbonara ...
  • The marina of Porto Corallo
    modern landing in Villaputzu
    The marina of the resort is a great place to come for a visit to the boat owner who wants to visit the territory ...
  • Villaputzu
    on the north east of Cagliari
    The coastline is characterized by sandy beaches dominated by ancient bastions of defense, giving the landscape an added value, and that tell a thousand years of history ...
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