lunedì 3 marzo 2025
  • » Costa Rei itinerari

Costa Rei itinerari nel cagliaritano

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  • Muravera
    Costa Rei is the regional capital of Sarrabus
    Renowned for the beauty of its beaches and for the cultivation of citrus that gives rise, in the spring, the famous festival, attended, every year, thousands of fans of the traditions ...
  • Castiadas
    at the center of Costa Rei
    The long white beaches that slope in a transparent sea are part of the uncontaminated environmental heritage, enhanced by the many splendid Aragonese towers, memory of past Spanish conquest ...
  • Campsites Villages Faita Sardinia dog friendly
    where in Sardinia with your dog
    Faita Sardinia, with its camping sites and villages, is leading to a wonderful vacation in the company of his dog ...
  • map of Cagliari
    routes in the province of Cagliari
    from the beautiful Costa Rei arriving at the South Coast, via Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia and Quartu St. Helena with the famous beach Poetto ...
  • The Marine Protected Area of Capo Carbonara
    in the extreme south east of Sardinia
    Beautiful diving and boat trips make it extremely fascinating visits to be made in this protected area, leading to contact with a variety of ocean life and a rich backdrop of ancient artifacts ...
  • Dog beaches in Gallura
    a bathroom with the four-legged friend
    The beaches are limited and in summer you can not find a place, so it is advisable to inquire through the website of the beach ...
  • The marina of Villasimius
    modern and equipped capable of 750 boats
    Ideal starting point for wonderful excursions by sea, on board their boats or choosing among the many rental, you can discover the beauty of the Marine Protected Area of Capo Carbonara ...
  • The evenings in Villasimius
    fun music and drink
    Liveliness and entertainment through its streets, in its squares, with a shopping until late hours in the many shops and boutiques, interspersed with music and drinks, including a good wine or a typical myrtle, a cocktail or a refreshing drink ......
  • Costa Rei
    includes Villasimius, Castiadas, Muravera and Villaputzu
    From Villasimius to get to Villaputzu, through Castiadas and Muravera is a kaleidoscope of colors, scents, flavors, that taste of antiquity, but also of modernity ...
  • The rock of Peppino
    in the southernmost part of the beach of Costa Rei
    Its location and the alternation of rocks and small sandy coves, gives this stretch of coast image paradise, enriched by beautiful backdrops and the wrecks of Capo Ferrato ...
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