lunedì 3 marzo 2025


  • near the eponymous village
    a stretch of rocky coastline mixed with a pebble beach and thick gravel that lies a few meters from S'Archittu and behind the town of Torre del Pozzo ...
  • opposite the island of Mal di Ventre
    one of the beautiful beaches that stretch along the west coast of the island , in the town of Cabras , in the middle between the terminal of the Sinis Peninsula and the spike of Putzu Idu ....
  • in the immediate vicinity of Santa Caterina di Pittinuri
    immortalized in a thousand shots from anyone who has been lucky enough to see it , S'Archittu is among the most popular destinations on the west coast of Sardinia ...
  • It lies in the homonymous village
    Nestled amid the houses of Santa Caterina di Pittinuri and the deep blue sea of its waters , this beach has Alunga for a few hundred meters ...
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