martedì 4 marzo 2025

Camping Village Torre Salinas ***

in the heart of Costa Rei

Camping Village Torre Salinas ***
Camping Village Torre Salinas offers different solutions for those who enjoy the holiday in direct contact with the scents, sounds and sensations of nature, to enjoy the tranquility of unspoiled places.

The guest can take advantage of the fact Curtains Equipped, comfortable and functional, Equipped Caravans, features and confidential, of pitches for customers who prefer to obtain their tents and equipment.
There are numerous fountains placed along the avenues that provide drinking water at all times, as well as comfortable are the connections to the columns of electricity (220V / 4A). The services easily accessible from any location, are solar powered with free hot water.
Campers can use all the common areas such as barbeque area and a play area for children.

Delightful terraced houses surrounded by nature with all the best amenities and for all needs.
Covered veranda with tables and chairs, a kitchen-living room equipped with a refrigerator, dishes and satellite TV and armchairs - bed; the sleeping area, bathroom with shower, a spacious master bedroom; the widest also have a second adjoining room, all beautifully maintained and furnished, with a capacity up to 6 people.

Mobile homes
The mobile homes of Camping Village Torre Salinas feature a fully equipped kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom with double bed, a bedroom with two bunk beds, a large covered terrace and are equipped with air conditioning.

The restaurant attached to the campsite offers a typical Sardinian cuisine combined with national dishes.

Beach Services
Is available on request beach service.
Kiosk at the Il Moro, directly over the sea and the same management "Camping Village Torre Salinas are available Capannino, umbrellas, pedal boats, canoes, to experience the vacation of ultimate fun and relaxation.

  • apertura: maggio - ottobre
  • indirizzo: Loc. Torre Salinas
  • località: Muravera
  • tel +39 070.999032
  • fax: +39 070.999001
  • email:
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