venerdì 24 gennaio 2025

Villaggio Camping Coccorrocci *** - now closed

on a long stretch of beach about 4 km.

Villaggio Camping Coccorrocci *** - now closed
Coccorrocci Camping Village is located in the central eastern coast of Sardinia, in the territory of the navy of the city of Gairo.
Protected by the mountain range of Monte Ferru (875 msl), south of the coast is bordered by the rocky point of Cape Sferracavallo, while to the north from the tip of Cape d'Asta.

Camping Village Coccorrocci overlooks a long stretch of beach about 4 km., Composed of small pebbles stones smoothed by the work of water, from secluded coves and enclosed by red porphyry rocks.
For lovers of sandy beach you have to move away. 2 approx.
The water of the sea of ??Ogliastra is so pure and clear that you can see deep into the seabed; on the coast there are dangerous currents and winds that dominate here are the north-east wind, the south wind and the southwest wind.

The morphology of the area is detected flowing from north to south, are part of the Bay of Gairo, the small canyon and Cala Luas, the great valley of Badde Cattiu with the beautiful slopes of Punta Cartucceddu and the slopes of Mount Ferru which rises to protect the coast and serves as a barrier to the north-western winds.
The dominant natural vegetation is Mediterranean scrub with essences of oak, juniper, mastic, wild olive, arbutus, carob, myrtle, oleander and cistus.
Inward there are formations of forest impenetrable.

Camping Village Coccorrocci has Bungalows, Mobile Homes, RVs and pitches.
Bungalows are made of wood and measure 18 square meters. more veranda, with chairs and table; The villa sleeps 4 with bathroom, kitchen with everything you need and refrigerator. Included in the price are the change sheets and pillowcases weekly, parking the car, consumption of water, gas and electricity.

The mobile homes are prefabricated of 24 sqm. more veranda with chairs and table; The villa sleeps 6 with internal services and the need to cook, silverware, cookware to cutlery, refrigerator included.
The price includes the change sheets and pillowcases weekly, parking the car, consumption of water, gas and electricity.

The RVs are of two types, with bathroom (shower and hot water) and no bathroom, both have 4 beds, veranda, table and chairs, needed for cooking, dishes, fridge, change sheets and pillowcases weekly; the price includes car parking, water consumption, gas, electricity.
  • apertura: now closed
  • chiusura: momentaneamente chiuso
  • indirizzo: Loc. Marina di Gairo
  • località: Gairo
  • tel + 39 0782.24147 - 347 2979218
  • fax: + 39 0782.24147
  • email:
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