martedì 4 marzo 2025

Camping Village Cigno Bianco

incantevol beach and clear blue sea

Camping Village Cigno Bianco
A lovely beach, clear blue sea, unspoiled nature, this and much more offers the Camping Village Cigno Bianco, on the beach, in the countryside ideal for families and for those who love to spend their holidays in a quiet and relaxing.
A stay in stone bungalows or Mobile Home, for those who love outdoor holiday but still want the comforts of home, for those who want to live in complete relaxation between nature and comfort.
Brand new and fresh, from 2 to 6 people, surrounded by greenery, with private bathroom with shower, living area with kitchenette and veranda. If you love traditional camping and outdoor holidays, Camping Village Cigno Bianco offers services that make it comfortable and definitely cutting edge.
The shaded pitches with electricity (220 volts) are quiet, peaceful and comfortable, both for the toilets and for the central area of ??the campsite where you will find: bar, market, restaurant, pizzeria.
The campsite offers a range of recreational activities such as tennis, soccer and playground for children.
The area is also recommended to lovers of sailing and underwater fishing and excursions in the wild interior of the island.
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