martedì 4 marzo 2025
  • » resorts in Sardinia

where to go in Sardinia

  • La Barbagia
    land of mountain and shepherds
    the name comes from the Latin Barbaria (barbarians), assigned by the Romans to the locals for the shy and proud ...
  • Nuoro
    city of culture and traditional hospitality
    dominated by about a thousand meters of altitude of Mount Ortobene, whose summit has an extraordinary view ...
  • Sinis Peninsula
    It includes the rock and the Catalano Maldiventre Island
    20 km long. and large-5 is an important area that includes wetlands and wildlife sanctuaries, as well as a wonderful coastline ...
  • Cabras
    a few km. from Oristano
    it is a town of considerable importance in many ways, natural and historical, environmental and traditional ...
  • Sartiglia
    attended by the most skilled horsemen of the island
    among the most important of Sardinia, Oristano attracts every year thousands of people to attend an event of great tradition and spectacle
  • Tacchi d'Ogliastra
    interested municipalities of Ulassai, Osini, Gairo and Ussassai
    special training limestone-dolomite mountains crossed by paths, driveways and paths for hikers ...
  • Gairo
    sea and inland
    It is the only one of the Tacchi d'Ogliastra to boast a strip of the sea, with Marina di Gairo, where they lie pristine beaches ...
  • Osini
    between Gairo and Jerzu, Ogliastra
    very quaint village, with narrow streets and houses with wooden doors framed by a halo red or blue ...
  • Ulassai
    at the base of Tacchi
    with the Grotta Su Marmuri, one of the largest in the region with its 1,000 m. in length and a height of 30-50 meters ...
  • Ussassai
    It is meaning "beyond the mountains"
    territory and spectacular at the same time rough, heavily weighted complex heels, including the Su Casteddu 'and Jeni ...
  • Lotzorai
    only 5 km. from Tortolì
    tourist destination of 'Ogliastra with numerous shelters and historical, as the thirteenth-century castle of Medusa ...
  • the coast of Oristano
    a coastline with beautiful beaches
    from the white beach of Porto Alabe in Marina Tresnuraghes, at Is Arenas, S'Archittu, S. Giovanni di Sinis, Torregrande and other ...
  • Tortolì
    capital of tourism Ogliastra
    important tourist center of Sardinia, includes the town of Arbatax, center with the port that connects to the Italian peninsula ...
  • Routes on Tacchi
    routes in Ogliastra
    a series of itineraries for soprire a land still intact, for some contacts wild, where nature expresses all its charm ...
  • Barisardo (Bari sardo)
    on the coast of Ogliastra
    Its coastline stretches for about 10 km along the central eastern coast of Sardinia and starts from the town of Cea ...
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