martedì 4 marzo 2025
  • » resorts in Sardinia

where to go in Sardinia

  • The small town of Costa Rei
    a pretty village born tailored for tourism
    Pretty hectic and is an epitome of proposals, because here the sea is synonymous with shopping, with nature, with history, with traditions ...
  • Sant'Antioco Island
    southwest of Sardinia
    united by an artificial isthmus of about 3 km., with an area of about 109 sq km., it is part of the Archipelago Sulcis ...
  • Camping Village Spinnaker ****
    for a holiday in a 4-star superior
    directly overlooking the sea, surrounded by a beautiful pine trees, and covers an area of 40,000 square meters ...
  • Arbus
    The territory includes the beautiful Costa Verde
    where Sardinia boasts lonely places and quiet, there is this small town that is built around the parish church dedicated to St. Sebastian ...
  • Route of Nuraghes
    along a well marked
    in the territory of S. Antioco the nuragje are about thirty
  • The beaches of Castiadas
    spoiled for choice!
    from Santa Giusta, with the characteristic rock in the shape of a whale, known as Scoglio di Peppino, Cala Pira which is the background the Isle of Serpentara ...
  • Camping Village Acapulco ***
    ideal for family holidays with children
    completely immersed in the natural surroundings allowing guests an unforgettable return to nature, but with all the comforts and modern conveniences ...
  • The province of Cagliari
    400 km. of coastline and rich hinterland
    covers much of the south east of Sardinia, affecting a large coastline, which stretches for nearly 400 km., from Villaputzu in Teulada, and a part that penetrates far inland where they remain clear signs of a story ...
  • The marina of Porto Corallo
    modern landing in Villaputzu
    The marina of the resort is a great place to come for a visit to the boat owner who wants to visit the territory ...
  • Villaputzu
    on the north east of Cagliari
    The coastline is characterized by sandy beaches dominated by ancient bastions of defense, giving the landscape an added value, and that tell a thousand years of history ...
  • Muravera
    Costa Rei is the regional capital of Sarrabus
    Renowned for the beauty of its beaches and for the cultivation of citrus that gives rise, in the spring, the famous festival, attended, every year, thousands of fans of the traditions ...
  • Chia beach
    in the municipality of Domus de Maria
    6 km. of coastline, including beaches and high and rocky headlands, for a stunning setting ...
  • Camping Village Baia Saraceno ***
    overlooking the beautiful Maddalena
    along a coastal stretch of extraordinary charm, alternating small coves interspersed with rocks and sand, Camping Village Baia Saraceno is synonymous with holidays ...
  • map of Cagliari
    routes in the province of Cagliari
    from the beautiful Costa Rei arriving at the South Coast, via Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia and Quartu St. Helena with the famous beach Poetto ...
  • The Marine Protected Area of Capo Carbonara
    in the extreme south east of Sardinia
    Beautiful diving and boat trips make it extremely fascinating visits to be made in this protected area, leading to contact with a variety of ocean life and a rich backdrop of ancient artifacts ...
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