lunedì 3 marzo 2025


beautiful town in the heart of the Coral Coast

Among the Sardinian towns more attractive for the landscape and cultural opportunities and entertainment venues, Alghero extends to the end of a wide bay on the northwest coast of the island of Sardinia.
With its 80 km of coastline, ranging from the promontory of Capo Caccia until the beach Poglina, Alghero is the center of the Coral Coast.

Mostly imprinted on a tourist economy, the town was founded in the twelfth century by Doria and captured in mid-1300 by the Aragonese that repopulated by settlers Catalans, thus explaining the ethnic and linguistic descendants of the citizens of the Alghero, also called Barceloneta (or little Barcelona).
The walls enclose Catalan still the ancient village of the city, on which slide beautiful walks.
The visit can start from the central Piazza Porta Terra, where it opens the wide arch gothic homonymous tower (or Tower of the Portal or Porta Reyal) where there is also a war memorial.
Continuing by Sassari and Via Mazzini, you reach Largo S. Francesco where stands the Torre San Juan; continuing to Piazza Sulis is the Tower Espero Reyal (or the Spur or Sulis tower).
From here, follow the walls, you arrive at the Tower of St. James in front of the church of NS of Carmel.
Promenade along Marco Polo, we arrive at the Bastion of Mirador which offers a fascinating view of the bay of Alghero.
The port and the Porta a Mare, entering Civic Square with the Palazzo de Ferrera (sec. XVI) and, on the opposite side of the Cathedral of Saint Mary of the second '500.
Near Via Principe Umberto are the House of Doria (sec. XVI), Palace of the Curia, Civic Theatre (1862) and the Church of Mercy.
At the end of Via Carlo Felice, you reach the church of St. Francis of the second half of the '300, rebuilt in the sixteenth century.

Nearby, a few minutes' drive, interesting to visit the nuragic Palmavera,
 Porto Conte bay, cove of great beauty;
Along the road to Porto Torres you get to the necropolis of Anghelu Ruju.
Instead you have to travel 10 km. about southeast, along the road to Villanova Monteleone, to arrive at the roadhouse of Scala Piccada, with beautiful panoramic view that strays from Capo Caccia, to the findings of Nurra to Sassari.

As for natural sites, not to be missed are the routes to the promontory of Capo Caccia, the Caves of Neptune, one of the most beautiful in the Mediterranean can also be reached via a staircase overlooking the sea of 656 steps (escala Cabirol), the Grotto green on the eastern side of Capo Caccia, and the Cave of Dragunara, near homonym cove inside the bay of Porto Conte just as interesting and not to be missed.
Among the main beaches the long beach Lido S. Giovanni, which lies adjacent to the town and that continues to the port of Fertilia where it becomes Maria Pia beach, the beach of Punta Negra, towards Porto Conte, the beach Bombarde beach and Lazzaretto .

Passing the junction for Capo Caccia, about 17 km., Is the beach of Le Ville Romane (or Baja Conte), followed by the small tower of the Marina, and Porto Ferro, ideal for surfers because beaten by the mistral.

Along the main road to Bosa, after about 8 km. Alghero, a detour leads to the beautiful beach La Speranza.
Small towns are a short distance, as Olmedo, in the direction of Sassari, famous for its traditional manufacture of bread and Villanova Monteleone with a scenic road that climbs after covering a stretch of coast Alghero - Bosa, among the most evocative of Sardinia for the views and landscapes of the Mediterranean capable of amazing, as well as nesting area of ??the last bearded vultures that are in Cape Marrargiu their ideal habitat.
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