domenica 22 dicembre 2024
  • » Sassari e provincia itinerari

Logudoro, Nurra, Anglona, Goceano...

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  • Alghero
    beautiful town in the heart of the Coral Coast
    with a historic center of the most beautiful of Sardinia, Alghero stretches northwest of the island ...
  • Campsites Villages Faita Sardinia dog friendly
    where in Sardinia with your dog
    Faita Sardinia, with its camping sites and villages, is leading to a wonderful vacation in the company of his dog ...
  • Dog beaches in Gallura
    a bathroom with the four-legged friend
    The beaches are limited and in summer you can not find a place, so it is advisable to inquire through the website of the beach ...
  • map of Sassari
    from the coast Paradise in Alghero
    from the coast Paradise in Alghero, attreverso Valledoria and the mouth of Coghinas, Castelsardo, Stintino and Nura, with the beautiful scenery dell'Argentiera ...
  • Camping Village Li Nibari ***
    adjacent to the sandy coast of Marina di Sorso
    overlooking the Gulf of Asinara features a wide selection of services, housing units of different types on a surface fully covered by trees ...
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