lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Bari Sardo

  • discounts and offers at Camping Village The Last Beach
    The best deals for your holiday in Sardinia you will find here, at the Holiday Camping Village Center L'Ultima Spiaggia, come and discover them right away...
  • long beach sand mixed with pebbles
    bathed by clear water from blue green color, with a large pine forest that runs along the beach , it is very popular with fishing enthusiasts and snorkeling ...
  • beach of fine white sand that slopes gently
    it takes its name from the mouth ( foxi ) of the stream Bau Samu here ends its run and enters the sea characterize this stretch of marshy coast and rich vegetation ...
  • a promontory that separates it from the beach at Torre di Bari
    is an expanse of white sand mixed with smooth pebbles , lapped by azure blue sea that is characterized by its natural appearance , for some stretches wild ...
  • in the territory of Barisardo
    basaltic volcanic rocks give rise to the rocks of Punta Niedda wet from a rich flora and fauna of the sea , recalling many snorkelers and divers ...
  • dominated by the Spanish Tower
    sunny until sunset , it extends to the right and to the left of the tower and is lapped by azure waters with rich and colorful backdrops ...
  • on the coast of Ogliastra
    Its coastline stretches for about 10 km along the central eastern coast of Sardinia and starts from the town of Cea ...
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