domenica 22 dicembre 2024


  • Camping Village Iscrixedda 2016
    holidays in Sardinia, Ogliastra, 2016 summer with promotions Iscrixedda Caravan and Mobile Home to wake you with the look of the sea of Sardinia ... and keep on dreaming...
  • north of Lotzorai
    the green of the pine forest that stretches along the beach makes it especially enjoyable and relaxing break , as well as offering environmental fascinating scenic features ...
  • It is the continuation of Tancau beach
    perfect for those looking to relax , have a crystalline sea and trasperante , with a seabed rich in fish that are also very beautiful diving ...
  • in at the eponymous Camping Village Iscrixedda
    It is the natural continuation of the long golden beach of Lido delle Rose ending near the lagoon also called Iscrixedda , which is the name of the zone ...
  • also known as the beach Is Orrosas
    Beating heart of Lotzorai seaside life thanks to the presence of several Bar and two Campsites:( Il Cavallo Bianco and The Iscrixedda)
  • golden sand
    lying next to a beautiful and shady pine forest , it is also ideal for pleasant walks ...
  • only 5 km. from Tortolì
    tourist destination of 'Ogliastra with numerous shelters and historical, as the thirteenth-century castle of Medusa ...
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