lunedì 3 marzo 2025


  • homonymous town
    closed to the south by a cliff and north from the marina is dominated by the Spanish tower ...
  • dominated by the 143 meter high pinnacle
    paradise for climbers in his ways of climbing with the famous windmills of the Symphony , opened at the end of the '70s ...
  • among the most beautiful in the Mediterranean
    also called " Ispuligidenie " , which in Sardinian means snow fleas , for tiny pebbles , smooth and white ...
  • in Baunei
    a small natural rock arch on the water is the setting for this masterpiece of nature bathed by a clear sea ...
  • Ground pearl of Ogliastra
    a coastline that is home to beautiful beaches and coves including Cala Goloritze , Cala Mariolu and Cala Sisine ...
  • in Baunei
    relaxed and protected by two rocks that surround it , Cala Sisine is a charming little beach of white sand ...
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