lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Beach Lido delle Rose

also known as the beach Is Orrosas

Beach Lido delle Rose
In front of a beautiful view with the island of Ogliastra that emerges from the sea and all around boats of all kinds attracted by the beauty of this stretch of coast and from these transparent and colorful waters .
Behind a thick pine forest and a little farther on a pond to design one of the most extraordinary environments of this eastern Sardinia.
The Lido delle Rose , also known as Is Orrosas , extends its white sand on the main beach of Lotzorai coast , wide and long , wet from an enchanting sea .
Ideal for families and children, Lido delle Rose is a favorite as it combines the beauty of the place a variety of dining facilities, game, beach chair rentals , pedal boats , canoes , rafts , while there are two adjacent campgrounds , Camping Village Iscrixedda and Camping Village Cavallo Bianco.
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