martedì 4 marzo 2025

Cala Mariolu beach

among the most beautiful in the Mediterranean

Cala Mariolu beach
The sea is emerald color with rich and colorful backdrops, paradise for diving enthusiasts, the beach is made up of tiny pebbles, smooth and white that led to the designation of Ispuligidenie, which in Sardinian means snow fleas.
Stunning limestone rocks sticking out of the sea to form small islands that create a great splendor scenery.
Accessible by land with considerable difficulty, saw the rock that rises imperiously behind Cala Mariolu, you need to deal with environmental excursion guides who perfectly know the territory, but also equipped with a discreet clinic; alternatively a nice trip by sea with motorboats that leave a frequent service from Santa Maria Navarrese and Arbatax.
Cala Mariolu, like the many other coves in this part of Ogliastra, stages are stages not to be missed.
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