lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Beach Arutas

among the most beautiful of Sardinia

Beach Arutas
An expanse of small grains of quartz smoothed by the sea and wind make up and color the beach of Is Arenas, in a scenario of the most evocative of the Sardinian coast.
Known as the rice beach, given the size and shape of these billions of grains that make up this beach, it lies on a sea that goes down a little abruptly, where just a few meters from the shore is easy to see large schools of fish wandering undisturbed even in the presence of bathers .
It stretches almost frontally the island of Mal di Ventre and can be reached from Oristano towards Cuglieri; at the crossroad near the Sanctuary of Remedy, follow the signs to Tharros and , after 15 km, arrived at the junction for San Salvatore, turn right and continue for 1.6 km , then left again for another 6 km before turning right onto a dirt track for the last 200 meters .
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