lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Spiagge ad Oristano

la costa di Oristano

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  • Managu beach
    with a large rock that dominates
    It is situated along the coast road Bosa - Alghero road about ... .KM from Bosa and taking the dirt road on the left which is accessed by a gate ...
  • Cumpoltittu beach
    small cove of fine sand
    It is a pearl set in the wild and unspoilt nature that makes a worthy setting in this corner of paradise ...
  • Beach S'Abba Druche
    It means freshwater
    is characterized by sand and pebbles wet from a sea is clear and transparent with a white low rock which divides it into two ...
  • Beach in Bosa Marina
    It is the main beach in Bosa Marina
    in the heart of town , this is a wide medium sandy beach , washed by the clear waters that slope gently ...
  • Beach Torre Columbargia
    dominated by the tower
    It lies in a small cove dominated by Columbargia Torre, a few km south of Porto Alabe. The Wild and the offshore environment, clear and colorful ...
  • Torre del Pozzo Beach
    near the eponymous village
    a stretch of rocky coastline mixed with a pebble beach and thick gravel that lies a few meters from S'Archittu and behind the town of Torre del Pozzo ...
  • Beach Is Arenas
    It stretches from Putzu Idu in Torre del Pozzo
    a long, thin stretch of fine sand that combines Putzu Idu in Torre del Pozzo draws the coast of Is Arenas , behind the broad and deep pine forest ...
  • Cala Pallosu beach
    also known beach cats
    From Oristano towards Cuglieri along the highway 292 , after Riola Sardo 3 km turn left towards Putzi Idu turn right towards the harbor and get to the beach ...
  • Putzu Idu beach
    stretches between S'Arena Scoada and Mandriola
    Putzu Idu is a fine extended white sand beach between S'Arena Scoada and Mandriola is wet from a breathtaking sea whose crystal clear waters gently slope ...
  • Beach Mari Ermi
    opposite the island of Mal di Ventre
    one of the beautiful beaches that stretch along the west coast of the island , in the town of Cabras , in the middle between the terminal of the Sinis Peninsula and the spike of Putzu Idu ....
  • Beach Arutas
    among the most beautiful of Sardinia
    known as the rice beach, given the size and shape of these billions of grains that make up this beautiful beach and is very colorful ...
  • Maimoni beach
    near the village of San Salvatore
    near the beach of Is Arenas is a sand formed by pebbles of pink quartz and white, with multiple shades , and is strictly protected , so it prohibited her away ...
  • Beach of San Giovanni di Sinis
    adjacent to the archaeological site of Tharros
    The Sinai Peninsula is a place like few others , so able to bring away with the mind , to travel in ancient times standing still there, where the oldest island civilization laid the first stones ...
  • Beach of Marina di Torre Grande
    in the locality
    From Oristano towards Cuglieri, near the shrine of Our Lady of Remedy, turn left towards Torre Grande and walk 7 km to reach the beach.
  • Porto Alabe beach
    Note Also come Cala Aldebaran
    characterized by the presence of dunes covered with vegetation and succulents is bounded on the south by a rocky headland ...
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