lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Cala Pallosu beach

also known beach cats

Cala Pallosu beach
Pallosu is known worldwide among animal lovers and especially cats .
And ' one of the oldest cat colonies and known in Italy, since its existence was first documented in 1947, but Pallosu, the presence of cats , probably , dates back since the beginning of last century.
In addition to water and its stretch of coast that mixes sand rocks, Pallosu is the destination for this unique feature .
Here they roam hundreds of these little felines who come without any fear as it used to share this part of the sea with those stretches in the sun for a tan.
On the web there are many blogs and websites dedicated to this place , including this blog which also offers guided tours of the territory.
You reach Pallosu from Oristano towards Cuglieri along the SS 292 and, after Riola Sardo, turn left towards Putzu Idu and then right to the port .
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