lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Maimoni beach

near the village of San Salvatore

Maimoni beach
Near the village of San Salvatore, where in the '60s and' 70s were shot by the crew of Cinecittà westerni numerous films , relaxes this splendid beach, which owes its name to the god of water, Maimone, whose cult also connects with the nearby church of San Salvatore, built in the seventeenth century.
Its beautiful and clear sand is formed by pebbles of pink quartz and white, with multiple shades, and is strictly protected, so it prohibited her away .
Ideal for families and children because of its size and the gradual water depth.
However , being in the open sea , it is good to be cautious during rough waters and high waves .
To get from San Giovanni di Sinis Cabras direction you take , you turn into a natural road ahead for about 3 km.,
And here a small blue sign indicating the Maimoni beach.
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