martedì 4 marzo 2025

Cala Luna beach

an inevitable stop on a visit to the territory of Nuoro

Cala Luna beach
One of the most famous and suggestive beaches of Sardinia Cala Luna, accessible by sea or through a path made with a trek of about 3 hours, departing the resort Telettotes, in the Municipality of Urzulei, along the river bed Codula de Luna.
From Santa Maria Navarrese and Arbatax are numerous daily connections with boats and hiking along this stretch of beautiful coastline that is of course a stop at the beach of Cala Luna, where they are provided, normally, stop for a swim in this little corner of paradise.
His shining waters of a cobalt blue color that wash a white sand, around which splendid large natural caves are the delight of lovers of diving and snorkeling.
A grove of pink oleanders is the antechamber to a natural environment that draws a hinterland of the same splendo
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