martedì 4 marzo 2025

Tuerredda beach

in the territory of Teulada

Tuerredda beach
Between Cape Malfatano and Cape Teulada Tuerredda beach relaxing with his clear and fine sand in a beautiful bay washed by a beautiful sea , the colors that fade from blue to blue to green .
Tuerredda is also the name of the islet that emerges in front of this beach , while behind a maquis that here expresses the best of itself is the perfect backdrop to this corner of paradise .
The islet of Tuerredda , reachable with a nice swim , is a small world where you can spend peaceful moments in an enchantment of colors and scents , lying on the sand or on the warm and smooth rocks .
It can be reached from Cagliari along the SS 195 towards Teulada , turning right to Chia and continuing for about ten kilometers until you reach the reports .
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