luned́ 3 marzo 2025


  • South Coast Sardinia
    Offers for Your Holiday in Sardinia
  • in the territory of Teulada
    splendid inlet between Capo Malfatano and Cape Spartivento , is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in Sardinia for its clear and fine sand and for the transparent color of the sea ...
  • It stretches adjacent to the Camping Portu Tramatzu
    Is reached starting from Teulada to Sant'Anna Arresi on the SS 195 , 3 km turn left after 2.5 km turn right to Camping Portu Tramatzu and take the dirt road that leads to the 600 m Portu Tramatzu beach. ..
  • in the town of Teulada
    overlooking a clear blue sea , surrounded by rich vegetation and lies behind the pond Piscinń make this coast a truly extraordinary place ...
  • along the South Coast
    Located on the border with the Middle Campidano, closes that stretch of sea is extraordinary that the South Coast, the coast that stretches from Capo Teulada and juts out into the open sea to Cape Spartivento ...
  • a holiday-style camping
    on the South Coast, in Cagliari, halfway between the ancient of Sardinia, with Nora, and the most beautiful beaches on the island, as Tuaredda, Cape Malfatano, Piscinń ...
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