lunedì 3 marzo 2025


Costa Rei is the regional capital of Sarrabus

Regional capital of Sarrabus is renowned for the cultivation of citrus that gives rise, in the spring, the famous Festival of Citrus.
Frequented since ancient times, Muravera is particularly attractive to the landscape, which contrasts to a lovely stretch of beach, a hinterland characterized by a rich and unique flora that grows thanks to the proximity of ponds Colostrai Feraxi and, to a ten km., where they also visit the fish ponds.
Here you find the ideal habitat populous bird with a rare migratory species of Community importance, such as the little egret, the purple gallinule, the knight of Italy and others, making it one of the favorite places for bird watchers.

In the city center stands the Portico Petretto, stone building of the end '800, and the church of St. Nicholas of Bari, in late Gothic style.
The visitor will be here also fascinated from crafts of carpets and baskets.
Not far from the town stands the Tower of 10 horses, one of the outposts of the sixteenth century. gate of the city, which together with the Torre Salinas and the "Tower of Porto Corallo, protecting populations from attacks by pirates. Nearby there archaeological sites of great interest, among which are worth visiting the Nuraghe S'Acqua Seccis and complexes menhirs Scalas, Cuili Piras and Piscina Rei.
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