martedì 4 marzo 2025


the door of Costa Rei

Villasimius is situated on the South-Eastern , where the deep green of the maquis goes so far as to blend the colors on the rocks tormented by the wind, mirrored in the waters of the sea of ??Capo Carbonara.
Among the most popular tourist destinations of Sardinia, Villasimius relaxing on a territory that has left interesting traces of its recent past.
Numerous remains of towers and fortifications of the coastal defense system stand along a route of history and nature; these include the Tower of Capo Boi, conical and well preserved, and the seventeenth-century Old Fortress overlooking the granite promontory of Capo Carbonara.
Nearby, along the coast as well as inland there are many points of interest, for days and always different to discover the beauty and traditions of Sardinia.
The night of Villasimius is alive and vital, comes alive every night in his ways, in its streets, with the stalls, with shops, clubs that accompany until late, with music, drinks and shopping.
A large circuit of accommodation, catering and service guarantee a holiday in comfort, surrounded by a nature rich in colors and scents, for long stretches untouched.
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