martedì 4 marzo 2025


along the South Coast

Located on the border with the Middle Campidano, closes that stretch of sea is extraordinary that the South Coast, the coast that stretches from Capo Teulada and juts out into the open sea up to Capo Teulada, creating that wonderful bay, dotted with many coves and small islands that are there, it seems, to monitor and protect such beauty.
The Port of Teulada is a deep inlet dominated by the sixteenth-century Tower of the gut and from Isola Rossa, all in granite.
Punic, the port is docking point for fishing boats and pleasure boats.
The area tells an old story, the one contained in the ruins of Bithia, the ancient Phoenician city that still shows the walls, some houses, a cistern, clear traces of the necropolis and the Tophet.
The promontory ends with the Tower of Chia, which is reached after passing the pond of Chia, close to the beautiful beach of Chia.
The town of Teulada houses the beautiful parish church, in Baroque style, dedicated to Our Lady of Carmelo.
Nearby is interesting to visit the system of ponds in communication, represented by ponds Maestrale and Is Brebeis
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