martedì 4 marzo 2025

Necropolis Tuvixeddu

historical tours of Cagliari

Necropolis Tuvixeddu
A stage of particular historical interest, in the itinerary of the Marina area of Cagliari, concerns Tuvixeddu necropolis, the largest Phoenician-Punic necropolis still existing in the Mediterranean and the world.
It is named after the hill on which extends, between the village of Sant'Avendrace avenue and the street Is Maglias, a short distance from the Basilica of Our Lady of Bonaria and the underground city.
Tuvixeddu the name means "hill of small holes," the Sardinian term tuvu for "cavity", due to the presence of numerous tombs carved into the limestone, of which the most important are the Warrior and Uraeus.
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