lunedì 3 marzo 2025

territory of Oristano routes

A landscape mild, gentle in his reliefs, with lagoons and stretches of coast that free the mind, leaving rushing fantasies and dreams.
In its western Sardinia is that of the open sea, the infinite that opens before our eyes, the ancient history that recounts the island.
Because right here is Tharros, that wide strip of land that draws the Sinis Peninsula that, on the one hand, closes the Gulf of Oristano to the center of Arborea, while on the opposite side notes that environmental system represented by the ponds of Cabras, in the world for the production of bottarga, Pauli Murtas, Sale Porcus and Beneas Is that strongly characterize this territory.
continuing north to Oristano is a succession of environments that differ, that alternate long stretches of beaches to rugged coastlines and wild, an indescribable charm.
Near Oristano lengthen the beautiful beaches of Torre Grande, and once crossed the Sinis, there arose centers Narbolia, Cuglieri on its way to Bosa, pretty little town dominated by the Aragonese tower, along with the fear on which overlook the features colorful facades of the old houses, now restored and impactful scentico.
The area includes the entire stretch of sea around the Sinis and the island of Mal di Ventre was recognized Marine Park, a protected area for the high environmental value that covers.
The great tours inside these natural areas, mountain biking, walking or canoeing are unforgettable experiences.
Tourism, here, rhymes with strict respect of nature, which expresses, on these shores, as well as its hinterland, the higher concept of the union between man and environment.
As in many other parts of the island, the oristanese has kept almost intact the ancient traditions of the Sardinian people, its past agropastoral, which allow you to produce, in its cellars, high quality wines, while in his small dairies, cheese flavors of the past.
It is a territory, this, that assembles fascinating marine scenery surrounded by beautiful beaches, a wild cliffs that rise between sky and sea, while inside fly high on mountain meadows and deep valleys, colorful and varied bird species, including the 'griffon vulture, how to monitor a wealth of rare beauty. Here small towns tell their simplicity ancient local traditions, as in Norbello, Santulussurgiu, Abbasanta where life still seems to flow like a long, slow and serene.

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  • Municipal Museum of Cabras
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  • Cabras
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  • Sartiglia
    attended by the most skilled horsemen of the island
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  • Oristano
    capital of western Sardinia
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  • Bosa
    with its colorful houses and Marina
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  • the coast of Oristano
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