lunedì 3 marzo 2025

province of Cagliari routes

The province of Cagliari covers much of the south east of Sardinia, affecting a large coastline, which stretches for nearly 400 km., From Villaputzu in Teulada, through Muravera and Castiadas who accept that pearl of the Costa Rei, then Villasimius, Quartu Sant 'Elena joined Poetto beach to the city of Cagliari, and climb along the South Coast to find Pula with the ancient city of Nora and then Domus de Maria with the sandy expanses of Chia.
From the coast un'entroterra that permeates from where they remain evident signs of a long history, as told by its dolmen and numerous archaeological sites that preserve, often still intact, Domus de Janas, menhirs and dolmens.
Shards of old memories that withstand time, strong, imposing, protected and enhanced by an extraordinary environment that blends nature in some parts sweet and soft, others decidedly rough and wild.
The Cagliari is the perfect synthesis of Sardinia, able to enhance those aspects that place it as one of the top destinations of world tourism.

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  • The beaches of Castiadas
    spoiled for choice!
    from Santa Giusta, with the characteristic rock in the shape of a whale, known as Scoglio di Peppino, Cala Pira which is the background the Isle of Serpentara ...
  • Armungia
    in the region of Gerrei
    gave birth to Emilio Lussu and is in the region of Gerrei, on a hill at a height of 366 meters; Phoenix boasts origins, like most of these centers, and houses in the village a dolmen perfectly preserved ...
  • The province of Cagliari
    400 km. of coastline and rich hinterland
    covers much of the south east of Sardinia, affecting a large coastline, which stretches for nearly 400 km., from Villaputzu in Teulada, and a part that penetrates far inland where they remain clear signs of a story ...
  • Villasimius
    the door of Costa Rei
    Located on the South-Eastern Europe, where the deep green of the maquis goes up to blend the colors on the rocks tormented by the wind, mirrored in the waters of the sea of Capo Carbonara ...
  • The marina of Porto Corallo
    modern landing in Villaputzu
    The marina of the resort is a great place to come for a visit to the boat owner who wants to visit the territory ...
  • Villaputzu
    on the north east of Cagliari
    The coastline is characterized by sandy beaches dominated by ancient bastions of defense, giving the landscape an added value, and that tell a thousand years of history ...
  • The fishponds of Muravera
    Feraxi, Colostrai, and San Giovanni
    Always in the history of the territory of Muravera, known for the wonders of its coastline and its archaeological sites, fish ponds Feraxi, Colostrai, and San Giovanni have characterized the local economy ...
  • Archaeological sites in Muravera
    do not miss Nuraghe S'Acqua Seccis and menhirs Scalas
    A tour not to be missed in the territory of Muravera is what leads visiting archaeological sites that arise surrounding ...
  • Muravera
    Costa Rei is the regional capital of Sarrabus
    Renowned for the beauty of its beaches and for the cultivation of citrus that gives rise, in the spring, the famous festival, attended, every year, thousands of fans of the traditions ...
  • Castiadas
    at the center of Costa Rei
    The long white beaches that slope in a transparent sea are part of the uncontaminated environmental heritage, enhanced by the many splendid Aragonese towers, memory of past Spanish conquest ...
  • The small town of Costa Rei
    a pretty village born tailored for tourism
    Pretty hectic and is an epitome of proposals, because here the sea is synonymous with shopping, with nature, with history, with traditions ...
  • The Marine Protected Area of Capo Carbonara
    in the extreme south east of Sardinia
    Beautiful diving and boat trips make it extremely fascinating visits to be made in this protected area, leading to contact with a variety of ocean life and a rich backdrop of ancient artifacts ...
  • The marina of Villasimius
    modern and equipped capable of 750 boats
    Ideal starting point for wonderful excursions by sea, on board their boats or choosing among the many rental, you can discover the beauty of the Marine Protected Area of Capo Carbonara ...
  • The evenings in Villasimius
    fun music and drink
    Liveliness and entertainment through its streets, in its squares, with a shopping until late hours in the many shops and boutiques, interspersed with music and drinks, including a good wine or a typical myrtle, a cocktail or a refreshing drink ......
  • Costa Rei
    includes Villasimius, Castiadas, Muravera and Villaputzu
    From Villasimius to get to Villaputzu, through Castiadas and Muravera is a kaleidoscope of colors, scents, flavors, that taste of antiquity, but also of modernity ...
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