luned́ 3 marzo 2025

territory of Nuoro routes

The vacation in Nuoro has the strong taste of the traditions of Sardinia, still alive, still almost intact here.
The main asset of the area is in its natural environment, one of the green lungs of the Mediterranean, made of rocky hills and wild that slope reflected in the crystal clear waters of the sea.
To discover all the charm of this territory primitive beauty simply climb Mount Ortobene, from where you can embrace with a look at the entire area, with its peaks of white limestone, granite gray, reddish volcanic rocks, expanses of spots , forests and narrow valleys, which have allowed the maintenance of historical, natural, cultural, to create a fascinating world poised between past and present.
This is the magic of Nuoro, which has managed to preserve the value of the ancient tradition of craftsmanship, with the working of the classic chests in walnut and chestnut, weaving orbace, rugs and blankets, the processing of gold, silver and watermark.
It is also the land of fairs and festivals that recall the ancient customs and traditions of the area and that are moments of fun and involvement for tourists and visitors.
This is an area which finds its highest expression of the holiday, the sea, in the baronies, that stretch of coast from Marina di Orosei reaching down to the border with Gallura, to accommodate the sandy beaches of rare beauty, as Berchida and Bidderosa, and then payment of this charge Capo Comino with its soft dunes that shape mounds as high as 10 m., and even Saint Lucia and La Caletta, to get to Posada, where the castle of Fava supervises the ancient town.

  • Orosei
    historical capital of Barońa
    the beaches of Marina di Orosei-Osalla, backed by pools of Cedrino, is a tourist destination for international ...
  • Cala Gonone
    the sea at the foot of the Barbagia
    nestled in the Gulf of Orosei is surrounded by beautiful beaches that stretch along a beautiful coast line ...
  • Dorgali
    along the coast of Barbagia
    barbaricino tourist center overlooking the Tirreno Sea with the beautiful resort of Cala Gonone ...
  • Posada
    with the wild beach Orvili
    It built on the ruins of the Roman site of Feronia and dominated by the ruins of the castle of Fava dominating the Marina ...
  • Siniscola
    a coastal stretch of the most fascinating
    from La Caletta to reach Capo Comino - S'Ena 'and Sa Chitta, then Berchida, Pedra Marchesa and Biderrosa ...
  • La Barbagia
    land of mountain and shepherds
    the name comes from the Latin Barbaria (barbarians), assigned by the Romans to the locals for the shy and proud ...
  • Nuoro
    city of culture and traditional hospitality
    dominated by about a thousand meters of altitude of Mount Ortobene, whose summit has an extraordinary view ...
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