martedì 1 ottobre 2024

La Maddalena

only town in the archipelago

La Maddalena
Only town located south of the island and capital of the archipelago formed by the so-called Seven Sisters: La Maddalena, Caprera, Spargi, S. Stefano, Budelli, Santa Maria and Razzoli, formerly called Cunicolarie islands and appealed in the Middle Ages, by Pisa and Genoa, Carugi islands.
For several years the earth landing of shepherds courses in search of new lands, who settled in the island's center, the Savoy in 1767, they claimed the property, removing it from the Genoese.
The town was officially founded in 1770, founded by a small nucleus of fishermen and sailors, and in 1773 the Sardinian-Piedmontese government began to install a military detachment kicking off a major fortification work and thanks to that, in 1793 repelled an attack French army led by a young Napoleon Bonaparte who wanted to take possession of the archipelago.
In 1804 settled in La Maddalena the British fleet commanded by Horatio Nelson in search of the French fleet. During the nineteenth century, the island experienced a period of prosperity thanks to the exploitation of granite quarries of Cala Francese and strengthening maritime military base, which involved the construction of several infrastructures.
Another significant moment is experienced in the '60s, with the Italian entry into NATO, which caused the US military budget on the island, which lasted until the early years of the new millennium.

Intersected by picturesque alleys Genovese colored pastel-colored houses, the town of La Maddalena, the only one in the archipelago, preserves the appearance of a fishing village developed around the historic port of Cala Gavetta, where beautiful moor boats and colorful fishing boats.
From the seafront in Amendola street we enter the center, where Piazza Umberto I, Via Vittorio Emanuele, Piazza Garibaldi, with the typical granite paving which overlooks the town hall, the adjacent promenade of Via Garibaldi and Piazza S. Maria Maddalena Parish of the same name, with its baroque interior which preserves the two candlesticks, a crucifix and an autograph letter gift to La Maddalena by Orazio Nelson for the reception of 1804.
A visit to the many shops that pour with their windows on the main roads and invite to all commodities, from clothing to crafts, to souvenirs, to maritime equipment ...

To leave the center and start visiting the island, follow the waterfront to the east, which also gives access to the so-called scenic route, a route of about 20 km., Which allows sweeping views of the coast and hinterland touching some of the most important fortifications including the Fort of San Vittorio on Mount Old Guard, the highest point of the island.
To the north it is also found the small Church of the Trinity, the parish of the first settlers (1769).
The coastal path starts at Piazza Umberto I, where there is a bust of Anita Garibaldi. After crossing the suburb of Moneta, following the road to Caprera, you reach the north-eastern outskirts of La Maddalena, where there is the Naval Museum Nino Lamboglia opened in 1982 which houses the remains of a shipwreck near Spread the end of the second century . B.C..
Continuing, a detour to the right leads to the island of Giardinelli, joined to the mainland by a narrow isthmus. Returning to the main road you will reach the cove of Spalmatore and, further north, to Port Along with beaches of transparent water.
Continuing along the stretch that goes to the west coast, touching the Creeks of Abbatoggia-Stagno Torto and the Arena Monti beach, then you are leaving on the right inside of the wildest areas of Cala d'Inferno and Macchione of the Females , arriving in Forte dei ridges, from where you can see all the islands and north Corsica.
The road leads down to Cala Francese, and leaving on the right Cava French, Forte Eagle's Nest and the Fort Tegge you fall in Cala Gavetta.
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