venerdì 24 gennaio 2025

routes in Costa Smeralda

a stretch of coast about 30 km away.

routes in Costa Smeralda
Towards Baja Sardinia, north of the Costa Smeralda is Liscia di Vacca, while on the way to Porto Cervo Marina, taking a fork and reported passing Cala Grano, is recommended a trip to the wild high cliffs of Capo Ferro.
Surpassing the building of the Vecchio Faro, a dirt road follows the coast high tens of meters above the sea until you reach a trail that descends to light that indicates the Passo delle Bisce and opposite stands the Island of Serpenti, flat with single beach on the western side.

Continue along the path along the coast reaching the building of the Nuovo Faro and hence regain the road home.
In the direction of Arzachena, few km. after Abbiadori, a road signposted brings in about 7 km. Mount Moro, an excursion not to be missed from the point of view of nature.
A walk, can be performed using the appropriate path on a mountain bike, which plunges into the Mediterranean, between granite boulders from the evocative forms.
From the top (422 m.), Continue on foot along a staircase that leads to the small radio station on the rocks, which offers a panorama stretching from Maddalena to the island of Tavolara.
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