martedì 4 marzo 2025

Promotions Telis Camping Village 2016

2016 Summer in Ogliastra

Promotions Telis Camping Village 2016
At the center of an extraordinary area for the beauty of its coastline and nature among the most pristine Mediterranean Camping Village Telis is among the favorite destinations for international tourists . The six Blue Flags of Europe that will benefit the surrounding beaches, including Tortoli and Porto Frailis , alcunde of which they lie there, just 60 meters away , add prestige to a corner of Sardinia in itself rich in many valuable insights .

Promotions ongoing concern
DISCOUNTS ON FERRY to reach Sardinia .
Contact the hotel to know the email rates here by telephone +39 0782.667140

  • indirizzo: Loc. Baia di Porto Frailis
  • località: Arbatax - Tortolì (OG)
  • tel +39 0782 667140
  • fax: +39 0782 667261
  • email:
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