martedì 4 marzo 2025

Camping Village Pedra e Cupa ***

adjacent to the Marine Park Tavolara and Molara

Camping Village Pedra e Cupa ***
The Pedra & Cupa Camping Village covers an area of 50,000 sq m., Of which 20 thousand square meters. trees that goes down until it reaches the wide beach, washed by the sea of Sardinia.
The many and varied housing solutions, combined with the wide range of services, maintained and quality lead Camping Village Pedra and Cupa one of the favorite references for a vacation between heaven and earth of this beautiful island.

The camping area of Pedra and Cupa covers about 20,000 square meters.
Pitches with well located, only 50/200 mt. from the sea, all shaded, some of the green and thick pine forest near the entrance of the beach, the other by tarpaulins green shade. They are equipped with an electrical connection (6A) and served by numerous drinking fountains.
The beautiful and picturesque camping area is equipped with modern toilet and equipped with disabled toilets, sinks for laundry and dishwashing.
Hot showers are free.
Guests operates a laundry service for a fee performed by internal staff.
Behind the camping area, also, is the service Camper service.

Camping Village Pedra and Cupa offers stays where comfort is the highest level, thanks to mobile homes, from 2 to 6 people, with rooms nicely furnished, modern and functional, for a holiday in complete autonomy.
Even Caravan solutions are equally appreciated, as comfortable and well equipped. relax and let the sun and surrounding beauty.
All set in a forest of eucalyptus trees, shady and fragrant and a rich and colorful vegetation gives way to areas where sun let the sun and surrounding beauty.

Camping Village Pedra and Cupa is synonymous with kindness and sympathy, as well as the exquisite hospitality typical of Sardinia.
Peace and serenity, but also sports and entertainment thanks to the internal systems for the guests and the entertainment staff.
For the children a large playground dedicated to them, then sports courts for playing tennis, volleyball and football, for a holiday of a healthy physical activity.
The beautiful swimming pool is ideal for relaxing, lying on comfortable hardboiled the Sardinian sun while sipping a cool drink or a drink.
Inside the village operates a well-equipped Market.
Nice and pleasant is the service offered by the Bar Ristorante Pizzeria with wood oven, to taste typical Sardinian specialties and national dishes in a pleasant, 2 steps ... from home!

Situated in a location that provides easy access to places and locations of the most beautiful island of Sardinia, Camping Village Pedra and Cupa organizes excursions to the Marine Park Tavolara and Molara, with possibility to practice diving, the National Park of Maddalena, the oasis of Bidderosa and creates ad hoc programs for guests who want to organize days visiting the hinterland.

The animation includes a calendar with daily appointments for group games at the beach, Aerobics and Aqua aerobics in the pool, fun and engaging performances of local folklore, as well as entertaining shows for children, tournaments of football, volleyball and tennis.

Camping Village Pedra and Cupa hospitality and welcome, ambience and comfort, sea and fun, in three words: dream holiday!
  • indirizzo: SS 125 Orientale Sarda
  • località: Budoni
  • tel +39 0784.844004
  • fax: +39 0784.844004
  • email:
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