lunedì 3 marzo 2025


  • adjacent to the pool
    a beautiful and good solution to live in comfort the holiday, with the opportunity to taste the specialties of Sardinian cuisine in comfort, all at your fingertips ...
  • in Budoni, Gallura
    Offer valid during Promo and Low season (from 01 / 05-20 / 06 and from 01/09 to 30/09). The discount can not be combined with other offers...
  • south of Budoni
    near Tanaunella , south of the natural area of the pond of Saint Anna ...
  • adjacent to the village Baia Sant'Anna
    From Budoni to Siniscola, on the SS 125, after 2 km turn left into correspondence with loc. Tanaunella ...
  • adjacent to the Village Camping Pedra e Cupa
    and beautiful beach that lies adjacent to Camping Pedra e Cupa, to the south of Budoni ...
  • holiday between sea and inland
    gracious and hospitable seaside resort stretches along a coastline of 18 km of crystal clear sea and ...
  • adjacent to the Marine Park Tavolara and Molara
    variety of housing solutions and wide range of services maintained and quality make it a favorite among the references for an outdoor holiday in Sardinia ...
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