martedì 4 marzo 2025

Tacchi d'Ogliastra

interested municipalities of Ulassai, Osini, Gairo and Ussassai

Tacchi d'Ogliastra
The Tacchi are dolomitic limestone mountains that rise to peak, so named for their shape like the heel of a shoe, and Perda Liana is the most representative and famous. These particular mountains are crossed by paths, driveways and paths that in the past were the roads for the people who lived here. The area of ??the Tacchi falls largely in the municipalities of Ulassai, Osini, Gairo and Ussassai.
Among the places registered as a natural monument, besides the aforementioned Perda 'e Liana, there are the Scala S. Giorgio, the Su Marmuri Cave, Mount Tisiddu, Mount Pranedda and the spectacular Serra Perdu Isu in Taquisara.

Perda 'e Liana is located in the territory of Gairo and is the most famous natural monument of Sardinia. It rises up to almost 1,300 m. and legend has it that would represent one of the entrances to hell where devils and witches came out; at that time who wanted to get rich he was to give the devil his soul going on the spot.
Important from the geological point of view, the region of the Tacchi d'Ogliastra offers findings of crystals of calcite and dolomite, various minerals, corals and fossils in the early limestone layers.
From the botanical point of view, the environments more typical of Heels are the Mediterranean and the oak forest, while the bird sees as its protagonist the golden eagle, although it is not uncommon to see vultures, as well as the raven endemic, the largest of the crows of Europe, the pigeon, the Sardinian partridge, turtle dove, the hoopoe, the white wagtail; among owls, owl Sardinia, the small horned owl of Sardinia, the kestrel, the common buzzard, while in the rocky ravines peregrine falcon nests.
The waterways, as well as amphibians and water snake, are populated by trout and Sardinian dall'anguilla.

Among the sites Nuraghic present in those of some significance are Is Cocorrònis and Mela. In these areas there is the nuragic Serbissi, the village of Truculu, the villages of Perdu Isu and Didu (within the Forest Montarbu), where the dolmen Taccu-Addai at Is Tostoinus.
In Heels they are rare, however, funerary monuments, in all four plus a fifth identified in the plain below to Serbissi. The first two are located in the archaeological complex of Truculu, close to Nuraghe Sanu, a third in the plain of Apple, including the fourth in the village of Is Tostoinus near the Nuraghe Taccu Addai, and the fifth near Funtana Noa under the dolmen Serbissi.

Among the caves in the area, undoubtedly the best known is that of Su Marmuri, the most important for the suggestion and the grandeur of the environment.
To get there we start from Ulassai from where you take a road that goes to the Tacchi; after a few bends you come to a square from where you continue on foot.
Equipped walkways and staircases, lit, allowing a good view of the large rooms. visited from April to October. More interesting are the caves of Is Lianas of great interest biospeleological, Sa Brecca Andriana, called Voragine tip S'Assa Bella, near the town of Ulassai, and the caves of Taquisara, above the eponymous village.
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