martedì 4 marzo 2025


at the base of Tacchi

Located at the base of the Tacchi, Ulassai due to its location offers unique landscapes and views in the whole of Sardinia.
Because of the narrowness of the area where it is located, the town is characterized by narrow winding streets and homes built on several levels, among which stands out the beautiful town hall, the Arc Barigau in the square and the old wash house.

Very interesting surroundings where there are several sources that during periods of high rainfall create evocative images such as waterfalls of Lequarci, in S. Barbara, with a jump of water that reaches the 100 meters.
Just above the waterfall is the Grotta Su Marmuri, one of the largest in the region with its 1,000 m. in length and a height of 30-50 meters; along the path that leads to the cave meet interesting works of Maria Lai, a native of the place but of national notoriety, and Costantino Nivola.
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